Academic collaborative Intellectual disability and Health - Sterker op Eigen Benen (SOEB)
Academic collaborative Intellectual disability and Health - Sterker op Eigen Benen (SOEB) is a collaboration between the Radboud university medical centre and six care provider organizations for people with intellectual disability. Our mission is to improve the health and healthcare for people with ID by integrating research, education and patient care.
Our ambition is to provide, support and initiate research, education and care in which people with ID and their supporters take a central role, not disease or disability. The research takes place at the Radboud university medical centre Nijmegen, department of primary and community care, research group intellectual disability & health. Inclusive research is one of the main focus points and two co-researchers are employed at our group to support our research, implementation and dissemination activities.

Our research focuses on two lines. The first line of research places people with ID in the central role. The aim is to gain insight in the mechanisms behind complex health problems people with ID experience during their lifecourse. The second line of research focuses on health systems & policy research and aims to gain insight in health inequities and health disparities experienced by people with ID.
“We are a network of scientists and healthcare organizations focused on achieving health equity for people with intellectual disabilities.”
What is our vision?
Health is a prerequisite for participation in society. However, people with intellectual disabilities have a systematic disadvantage in health care. To catch up, additional structural attention is needed. 'Equal treatment' alone is a false solution. To achieve equality, on the contrary, 'unequal' treatment is needed. Inclusive research helps enormously with that.
What is our ultimate goal?
A health care system in which people with intellectual disabilities receive the care and attention they need with expert attention that provides the opportunity for a healthy life, at least as great as any other human being.
What is our strength?
We feel a strong connection with the target group. We know what is going on, what can go wrong and what is needed. Often from very personal experiences. We do not only work for people with intellectual disabilities, but preferably with them. We are driven by achieving true equality and by our scientific curiosity to achieve improvements in health and health care.
IASSIDD 2024 Congress
A large delegation from Academic collaborative Intellectual disability and Health - Sterker op Eigen Benen (SOEB) will be present at IASSIDD 2024 Congress. Dr. ir. Jenneken Naaldenberg is one of the keynote speakers, in addition our researchers will participate in the Roundtable and in several other symposium presentations.

Research topics
The research we conduct can be divided into six research topics; Inclusive research, mental health, healthy lifestyle, dataID, practice & healthcare innovation and education. Most of the research pages have an english summary. Interested in the studies? Check them out below.
English summary:
Dutch summary:
English summary:
Dutch summary:
Dutch summary:
Contact us
Are you interested in getting to know more about our organisation? Feel free to reach out by filling in the contact form or call +31 24 36 18181 and ask for Natascha Biervliet.